
happy halloween, yo.

a few bits of holiday cheer for yous!
here's "demon" chewing on "spider." these are nicknames of two cats i know - the bigger one here mauling the smaller, sane one, should we ever put them in the same room. we won't.

this one reminds me, happily, about wefest. likely this is cami, as she is often claims ownership of such lovely piles in the mornings :) ah, wefest.

this one is just super cool (and obviously a veggie burger - har har).

another that's frickin good:

now we've got some hallo pics of me friends:
bear got him!

then there's a crazy cowgal and her sidekick
more to come after tonight!

kel as a ... poofy worker-outter er something. regardless, Nice Form!

reid's being arrested by francis as he should, are you seeing his attire? don't even care that it's halloween ... that's just Wrong! also, not sure where this creepster looking officer is taking you reid, but, for gods-sake, be careful.
amy winehouse (caitlin) has never looked more put-together and well.
either way, she's a hottie here!


minus the bear & helio sequence & halloween

this was a frickin rockin show. helio sequence opened up (as far as i was concerned - we missed the very first performer) and, despite there only being 2 individuals on stage, they blew us away. here's a vid from the show!

then minus the bear went on! yummers! here's an odd video (not from the show as there are no youtubes up yet)...

i wasn't sure what to expect as they seem like such mellow, nice young lads. they were nutso! a fantastic way to have to describe a rock concert, though, i suppose. all three guitar-ists up front were often seen in a sort of in-synced head banging routine. energy energy energy!

everyone there to watch the show likely thought we were asshats, but i think it's the other way around - it's F-ing halloween night and the 4 of us were the only ones dressed up for miles. 80's punk rockers and flappers not welcome? nope. they didn't even want us on the bus - here's 2 of us waiting for da bus:
do notice the fanny pack bringing it all together. horrible.


a hurricane ... brought down

so i watched a movie last night & the story was great, but unfortunately true, so it somewhat pissed me off, all the while completely frustrating me.

BUT, after reading wikipedia and its critic's ... ummm criticisms, i'm not so sure those feelings should be ... ummm felt. damn - i so very much wanted to cheer for Rubin "hurricane" Carter and hate the asses who were not letting him up for air, ever. in the movie he was soooo set up for murder after leading an already rough childhood. there's a detective way out to get him and, well, does. so rubin (denzel washington (yum)) turns his anger around, stating that hate put him in jail, but love will get him out. aaaaaawe! bob dylan even wrote a song about the ordeal, which i've always liked, but didn't know that it was about this. anyway, after coming across some amazingly helpful friends AND nearly 20 years in jail a federal court judge in new jersey finds that rubin had not received a fair trial, that the prosecution had been "based on racism rather than reason and concealment rather than disclosure," and then sets aside the conviction. is he bitter? no. wow.
i shouldn't have research this story in (wikipedia kinda) depth, cause now i'm not sure i buy rubin's (shoddy???) story.
Lesson: enjoy the film and leave it at that, dammit!


for rizzo?!?

and he was doing so well!!!

here's how you ALMOST get outta jail free :)



it was sooooo very fun!
it was sooooo very packed!
they sooooo gave me a 'shout out' !!! well, that's in dispute, but i've emailed britt (earlier referred to as mr spoon) and soon we'll know whether my friends heard correctly that they heard that britt announced a happy bday to the lady at the prior nights Entry show who he'd spoken to. obviously (if it's true) i made a much finer impression than i thought. hold please, on this.

you want a review? i should just send you to brody's site. i will. HERE you go. and ... ditto.


30 rock (in')

oh kenneth!
f-ing funny
watch the whole episode online and Almost bust your gut...


white rabbits & tokyo police club

so jb ditched last minute (alright he had to work, but as of late his work's been his lil bitch, so yes i got ditched for the bitch) for the show last night. a replacement could not be found at such short notice, well without guilting, bribing, or crying involved anyway. there i was sitting on the couch petting the cat watching tv when i realized something - i Can't turn 30 while sitting on the couch petting the cat watching tv! i spiffied up and was out the door - it's a rock concert afterall not a romantic conversational-type talk-to-me atmosphere. i snagged a beer and settled in ("in" being in the way). the 7th st entry is quaint (there, i did it again jb - i used the word you use to decide whether to acquaint with someone (notice the pun? ahahaha) that's for bitch ditching me ;) so the lacking of space put me in the corner by the garbages all alone. wait ... promise it gets better. this was only for the opener, who were actually really good, the virgins from NYC. during the set break i shimmied up to the ledge/half wall thing in the middle of the room for a Great view (thank you small-bladder and gotta-havea-smoke folk!). this here pic below ... not my view last night of WR.

white rabbits sound checked Forever, but once they began i remembered why i liked them so much live the first time. Excellent. excellent. the singerman that dubs as lead guitar looks awfully confused up there on stage, but is plump full of talent. there are 2 two full time drummers and tons of other percussion instruments others pick up on on often occasion. it was like a full marching band's drummers section cadence at one point - "awesome" can describe those moments. there's 2 keyboards & the lead singer plays one & he percussions & he wears a vintage suit & his name is steve & i talked to him after the show & and he shook my hand & he mentioned i looked familiar, oh and he is cute, too. excellent.
i mostly went to the show for the rabbits, but listened to tokyo police club on their myspace page the last couple days so i'd at least know those songs when played. musically, they are fast and loud. the keyboardist/tambourine man/general extras guy was soooo intense. soooo intense i've never seen an arm swing full circle around a shoulder that fast - he even kept in time and tune! anyway, not exactly my thing, but they may grow on me. pic below = mr intense:

one final note: yep, going to spoon tonight. yep, met mr spoon last night. he didn't recognize me. he didn't care to chat much, either. BUT this could be because i creeped him out - i was Starring at him for the longest time - i Knew i knew him from somewhere right when i first saw him a few feet away during the break between WR & TPC. i was racking my brain for at least 5 minutes... now what shows have i been to lately, no. how about festivals, readings, plays OR restaurants? no. oh, of course ... SNL. that's where i "know" him from. i could see him being barraged by people, so i made my little intro asked 2 questions, then left him to just be.
and that was the night i turned 30. not technically alone and not at all with a cat :)
thanks for the i'm off to bed and can't make it til you're officially 30 call lucas!
and thanks for the 5 seconds into my 3rd decade of life call andy!
and thanks for the i'm still sleeping in the morning cause it's my bday call reid!
where are the damned ladies in my life?!? oh, on myspace ;)

in honor of ... ME!

hey there hot stuff
happy Mother F-ing birthday!!!

Enjoy the SPOON show!


lovin Bat for Lashes

i feel like this is some odd dream i'm trying to figure out upon waking...
any freudians wanna help?
"what's a girl to do"
ps: she's at the varsity tonight...


that's cool ... vote Away, vote Often, vote For others

our democratic system at work ... the integrity of it all!!!
wow! these representatives are even reaching over and voting for individuals who are there, sitting at their desks! that's highly bold. i don't get it - is this 'normal' ??? and how are they 'getting away with' this ???
at least in texas the votee's are alive, unlike one in chicago... so this man dies a natural death one morning and somehow he voted later that afternoon. seems texans aren't the only 'sneaky' constituents.
soooo, fellow americans, if you don't like the way things are operated in your jurisdiction all you need to do is vote the particular individual out of office - easy! ...this is so her/his neighbor can continue to vote the way he/she was when your rep's gone OR the new incumbent can vote 'your' vote themselves & also for their absent (or present) neighbor OR some other sort of chaotic/odd scenario, desktop game can ensue.
so you're saying my vote at the poll Does count? ah, seems likely.