
hooray hooray, the weekend's come!!!

so, the night will start something like this:

then we make good decisions, sush as:

we'll get to the bars and impliment the plan, williams being the perfect place to do so:

a few more beers and chatter with this special someone may lead to a deep ponder...

then, if that does or doesn't work,



louix xiv - sunday's show

remember when i was so excited to see them when there were the first of 3 bands??? expecting them to be all dirty, dirty?

imagine the thrill i felt from a headliner show!

a bunch of us started out at the loring pasta bar ... 2 booths away from none-other-than theirs truely. it was barry's bday at midnight, so he was well lit, & we supposed we wouldn't be considered good friends if we weren't far behind, even if it was a sunday ... and easter.
men dancing like fools = entertaining.

soooo, as expected, their performance was awesome.
here's a fun link to the 'guilt by association' video, which has crazy quick flashes between scenes and this website shows the video shots separated out - pretty cool.


rock the garden - coming to a walker near you

OMG. just a couple moments ago the Walker Art Center & The Current, who are co-sponsoring this event, just announced the line up for the outdoor concert. 1. bon iver
2. cloud cult
are you kidding me?!?!? who's coming with me. you, you, you and you!
sat june 21st - on sale april 15th...


the drowsy chaperone - friday's entertainment

kirsten thought she'd lost the free tix, but at the last moment while not searching for them, they appeared!
also, i had dinner plans at pf chang's with my parents, but they cancelled the easter trip down here due to the weather.
point being, the stars aligned and i got to be escorted to broadway!!!
i certainly hope she doesn't get a boyfriend anytime soon. (sorry dear ;)
cause, i'm getting some great invites and as her first friend in minneapolis, and i'm taking advantage & hope to continue!!!

what do you think when you have plans to go to the theater (in this case, add that it's a frickin musical! ahhhhh!) ???
- snoozer! ... i hope i don't fall asleep
- please don't be long enough to require intermission
- must pray the person next to me isn't large enough to spill into my seat
- crossing my fingers that the person in front of me doesn't have huge hair

and except for the latterest, all prayers were answered!

the drowsy chaperone was marvelous, simple wonderful.

it was entertaining, funny, witty and charming. the plot was unique and interesting. the songs were cute, the voices great. the set was simple, yet elegant. the costumes perfect.

1 hour and 40 minutes Flew by :)

lovity time. and now that it is no longer in town, there's my raving, details omitted, review!

it takes all types ???

no. no, it does not.
waiting for the bus is an excellent place where you'll get the chance to hear people saying and thinking "it certainly takes all types in this world!" you can hear this just by looking at their faces - looks of shock, expressions of disgust, feelings of concern, questions in their eyes.
one morning a couple weeks ago i saw This (minus the bat, thank gawd):

really? then it talked. he wanted to engage in dialog, wondering if i'd seen the #17 go by. well, buddy i'd certainly considered running the other way as soon as i saw you, with the assumption that this situation cannot be safe (no way!), because, obviously, he either has a weapon of sorts & there's a plan to kill me OR he really wants to show me something he has in his pants. whatever the situation, i'm certain it was not an appropriate time for conversation.

what was he thinking? i'm just gonna wander into the world looking super creepy just to see the reactions of the street's normals - it'll be way funny? ...playing it cool, i gave him nothing to report.

so back to my original statement ... it does not "take all types." it is often said, but i disagree. think about it. i coulda done without dude that morning. the world would get on just fine without him.

the world would turn without this fool (perfect example of why we don't take candy from strangers!):

the sun will rise without this ... person:
stars will shine should this similar gent w/ his questionable (yet nicely contemplative) character go away:this kiddo, even if just trying to make a buck, is gross. i could have done without seeing him and his talent:
no harm done, but, again, not necessary:

this fella could use some grooming:
and for sure THIS GUY.

some of them may make the world more interesting, but it ... don't. take. all. types.

just sayin.


here's to a happy (and safe er somptin) paddy's day!

Cheers to my irish friends, ms McCormic & sir O'Brien!
Cheers to all my cocktailing friends - each and every one :)
this chuckle is for yous...

ewwww, touche

oh, sucky... thank goodness for da busses!

kelly, see if you can't hold out a tad. at least so you can able to focus your eye balls on me at 5pm :)

ho ho ho. we pasty-skinned europeans paaaartay SOO hard, it's crazy - irish er not.

hope to see some of you out on the field. i'll be the one with clover antenna. totally standing out, i'm sure.


echo! come here, boy!

ok, i don't know what's up with youtube, but it's not putting this video up for me like it keeps telling me it will. it says "this video will appear on your blog shortly," and only if they mean shortly, next week, it's not working. it's a MUST see, though, so do it! and what i wanted to say with my youtube video is this:

oh my gosh. how cute is this dog?!? a BUNCH, that’s how much. i will take you home and cuddle you, echo!
a plug for adoption, a note for ya’ll: i will think less of you should you take in a pet from a store or breeder. really.
someday, someday i inevitably will be the proud parent of a zoo full of furrie, fleatherie & scalie critters. i do look forward to it!!!


political miracle!!!

that is ... that I am writing about it at all!
i don't get into politics much. it's boring. it's annoying.
BUT, yesterday morning on the today show they were talking about hillary's successes in ohio, texas and ... somewhere else (see? me not paying much attention). the interviewers were asking absurd questions. two of which i must mention right here, right now.
-prefacing my below opinion, i'll just say that i'm so on the fence between the 'bama N hill. no one has said it better than janine, yesterday on her myspace: i "love[s] Clinton and Obama equally--but [she's] really happy for Hillary right now because now she gets to wear her "Bitches get stuff done" t-shirt with pride." har har.

now, we all know how i feel about the today show, right? if not, lemme just say - it Sucks! they don't report news, they repeat the same interview questions over and over when they don't get the answer America (they) want, and most of their topics are soooo uninteresting.

Topic #1 - in order to be the democratic nominee, clinton will likely need some super delegate votes, since she is lagging quite a bit behind Obama on the number of his already acquired delegate votes. so ... by obtaining, through influence or encouragement or talent, SD votes would clinton somehow be "cheating" the system?
no no no!
Topic #2 - they questioned Obama on the fact that he didn't win ohio ... blah blah blah ... how does he expect to win a state in a presidential election that he lost 2 days ago?!?!
let me know if i'm way off base, but i'm thinking that no matter who wins the democratic race to become the presidential candidate those that voted for the other aren't sooooo stuck on their candidate that they will either a.) switch-a-roo & go republican, b.) move to canada, nor c.) contemplate either suicides or assassinations. i think the likely outcome, for the most part, will be to vote for the democratic presidential candidate. just the other one. we (us democrats :) score the same in that state either way. for the most part. no???


the hives - first ave

adjectives to describe, include: conceited, arrogant, loud, spastic, over-energized, and crazy.
i LOVED it! this will for sure be the last time they'll play in such a small venue, so thankfully sammer got caitlin and i in! gracias, sir :)

simple background - they don't think they need any other theatrics. they don't.

they start with matching black and white suits. it's their thing. it works for them. and me. being it was nearly 1000 degrees in there, though, they've stipped down some.

example of how Pelle's feet were so much more often not on the floor than they were. he climbed out over the speakers entering the stage for the encore. lunatic. in a good way!

they are the only band on the planet whose myspace page only allows listeners a taste of each song, as they fade out after 60 seconds er so. punks!
here's the tick tick boom video for ya, too.

rendition - das movie

so B and i are chugging along in the movie, liking it rather much. toward the end you know things are winding down, and we're definitely excited to find out how this thing is gonna end.
when all of a sudden you're back at the beginning!

wait ... what?
for some reason the producers, directors, whoever decide to ruin a perfectly good plot. an understandable and chronological story. don't get me wrong, i like twists, turns and surprises. when they make sense.

so, there's the beginning, which is further developed at the end, but the end can't happen without the middle, but the middle can't happen without the beginning, which is changed in the end, so the middle's possibility of happening goes away.

...like i said - nonsense. maybe imbd, er Someone can explain?!?!? not very many answers out there, i tell you. for the most part i agree with Peter Rainer, oddly enough since he's from the Christian Science Monitor. huh. he says:
About two-thirds of the way through, Rendition takes a bad turn and sells out most of what made it worth watching in the first place. Witherspoon is given little to do except look weepy, Freeman's change of heart is Q.E.D., and the radical Islamist subplot overwhelms the action, which becomes so confusingly structured that I thought the projectionist had misplaced a reel.
thumbs down, i'm thinking.


ice's fault and i do mind

falling down can be fun. funny.
mostly, though, it's not.
this past week has brought me two solid diggers.
matt! weren't we just talking about this at HH two weeks ago?!?!? can you say jinx? yes he can.

i was ice fishing near st peter 2 saturdays ago with andy, brian and lora. we didn't have an ice house, so, without red carpet laid out nicely, the only thing between my feets and a frozen lake was nothing. not remembering that, lora was the first to biff. hard.

after switching lakes and switching empty cocktails
out for full ones several times, I forgot that i was parading around on ice.
ice, being slick, is slippery. after 1 quick attempt to regain balance, down i went. the bruise on the left hip is still not done spreading in width and morphing into an interesting shade of dark dark dark puke green. the hole in my right hand has scabbed nicely, however!

wednesday i met up with joe to reminisce about the joys (loathes) of law school. after a delicious dinner, we figured a night cap at a different establishment seemed appropriate. we parked the vehicle near the curb, street side. i thought it best to hop the snowbank onto the clear, safe sidewalk on the other side of this slippery jaded mound. off i took .... before i knew i was even falling at all, all wind was out of my lungs and my thoughts went straight to (after a quick assessment of whether or not paralysis had suddenly set in) the fact that i have no health insurance, and this situation likely would benefit from ownership over it. a martini helped. 2 days of living through it and sucking it up (along with a daily doses of 2200mg ibuprofen) helped. my whining did not, but, yet, i did it.

40 degrees last weekend!!! yippers :)
-old man winter needs a restraining order assigned to his ass...