aint they so cute!
this information is not for the light stomached individual. you've been warned.
so, there are several workers at the "quality pork processing" company that have been seen at the Mayo clinic & then diagnosed with neurological illnesses. fun fun.
the thought is that their contact with neural "material" set up an immune response causing a type of neuritis. the peripheral nervous system inflames and affects many voluntary and involuntary movements, like picking up a pencil or dilating pupils. no. big. deal.
also, 5 of the 11 workers who have been tested show signs of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy - a disease that weakens muscles and causes numbness. and, of course, it's too early to say
oh my gosh! how'd this ever happen? well, workers use compressed air hoses inserted into the skull cavity to "pulverize" the brain to push it out the snout or the base of the skull. not nice.
these hoses splattered brain tissue & created a mist of ... yeah.
workers don't wear face masks therefore they likely have inhaled the ... um, yeah.
i realize (most) of you aren't often around this particular illness causing substance, but i'm sure if this is as sanitary and safe they keep this area, your meat's processing area is not much better.
something to think about.
that little guy to the right deserves better. sooooo cute.
thats why you should eat as much bambi as possible ;)
not very anonymous, a.
but, i super agree!
tacos anyone???
I totally agree with you, Bobbi! Look at how cute those piggies are!! Also, yeah, if workers get sick from working with the "material", then what do you suppose people are consuming when they actually eat the meat?? Disgusting!
mindy: why DO people choose to ignore these sort of facts? that and they're often repulsed to see raw meat or know about the process, but have no guilt if the end product (cooked dinner placed before them). i don't get it!
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