
RICK roll

so there's this new Thing going around... i'll get back to this thought.

but for now, Seriously, in the news today there is this horrible story about a microscopic organism called Naegleria fowlerithat that climbs up your nose then quickly eats its way to the brain. 2 things: first, gross! & second, stay away from the waters of pheonix as that's where the lil buggers reside before taking up residence in your melon.

... back to the former thought: you've been rick rolled, sucka!

while this is terribly funny to me and jb and the thousands of others out there tricking the likes of you, BEWARE the news story is a true story


longest. post. ever.

jb just (a few weeks ago, now!) posted his roommate history, and it looked like a good idea so I thought I'd give it a shot:
(i'm not sure why i'm following in your wandering, crazy-wild foot-steps jb, but Here We Go - with the ever-so-geniously added addy's!!! )

Name: Roxanne Shadia & Alexis
Relationship: all strangers then, now still friends
Duration: 1 year (minus roxy's 4 months abroad, then Jen (not jenD) took over)
Address: 505 15th ave #5 mlps
so i decided to move to minneapolis for undergrad at the U. i know 1 person in this big big city and reann was Very instrumental in advising on where to/not to live & how to find roomies. the U has a service to hook-up solo's, turning em into flat mates. i start calling and interviewing and selling myself in order to have a place to lay my head. i spoke with rox on the phone & then drove the 300 miles from trf to slut myself out to these folks, hoping they would lovity me. to Noone's surprise ... they did! i got my little space off the living room in the old brownstone on the 3rd floor with the rotting back stairs that i am amazed haven't fallen off killing dozens of underagers out there parting in heavy hords OR have been condemned (a better ending). turned 21 a couple weeks after moving in Then we started going downtown and to self-addressed shows like it was our job.

Name: Missy
Relationship: friend, which fizzled due to stupidity (details below), then it came back, now it's fizzled again ... sigh (again details below)
Duration: 1 LONG year
Address: 1415 8th st #201 mlps (3 blocks down the street)
introductions through rox, missy is a Super fun, energy-filled, smiles all the time, pretty gal. we decide to get a 'nicer' place down the road w/ rox&lindsay in the same 18 unit building - fun, like in Friends! ok so there were mice in 505, too, but i only saw it once and didn't report it to the roomies as they'd try to kill it! but in This place - oy - army's of mice were scurrying all about. ish.
we had our good days, but some stupid boy was tormenting my missy and she let him ... blah, blah, blah I couldn't deal after things got book/storyline worthy. anyway, we got back to a good place, then she moved to i don't even know where. like way past shakopee (and i wouldn't know where that is cept it's home to a lil slice of a heavenly flipping&whirling called valleyfair!!!). HI MISSY!

Name: Jen D Nikki Megan Jen S & ...amy?
Relationship: college friend from phy ed classes, yep - Nikki; the rest, strangers - you can see or know that jen's been around lots since
Duration: 1 year
Address: 518 12th ave mlps (3 blocks away from the first, only 90 degrees to the west)
so This time I'M doing the interoggating and the turning away of those lesser - i'm interviewing for friends here, mmmK? first in is my fav (still!) JEN! she didn't even need to slip a bribe. megan was pretty cool, but definately messy - she found dished on her bed more than many times. her name's not amy, but i'm blanking. i will edit upon the light going off - or is it on? she cooked lots (and shared) so she's Fabulous in my book - i even do dishes in trade, ya know. no idea where she is now, but a big ShoutOut to you ... uh ... amy? doesn't have the same sincerity minus the name, i know. oh jenS (said 'genes' as in the beginning of the the word genesis), wha you doing now? wha you got to say? wait - what were you doing then? what did you have to say then? a Hermit! shy, perhaps, but we were all baffled and not super nice after it was apparent that she was so anitsocial it was creepy. JenS, perhaps it better to do a studio? this was the best college house - in great shape, big, laundry in basement, perfectly absent landlord, cheap, close to campus, almost everyone got along great, aaaaaand we partied. (even lisa A!) the good ole days...

Name: Jen (again - the good one) Mike Matt & ...amanda?
Relationship: Jen (again, this time as a friend) and ...strangers
Duration: 9 mo's on a 1 year lease; legal skills put to work before even thinking of law school
Address: 1229 8th st mlps (inbetween the last 2, forming a perfect 3 block square with this one, plus the prior 3) ...i believed i'd repressed this address in my memory for GOOD reason, but it came to me :(
ok, so a trip to the boundry waters was taken in august and upon our return we were supposed to move into our CUTE 3 bedroom house over along the mississippi on east bank. the deposit check'd been handed over and all. what didn't happen upon our return is to move into our CUTE home. "we've decided to go with some (more responsible) grad students" son-of-a! k we'll just find some other quaint, nice abode (... in like a week ... in dinkytown ... where 80 thousand people go everyday ... and many want to live close ... where landlords are skuzzy) won't we? no, no we won't. what a DUMP! seriously, drive by this joint - The Biggest dump around. shody 'repairs' & make-shift 'improvements' & 'creative' ways to increase the number of 'bedrooms.' what was his name jen? really wish i could post it! we ended up calling the city inspector after dwelling in this heap and learning just how dangerous (swinging gueitines, metal jutting, sinks drooping, creatures roaming, porches 'separating' from the house - whatevs!) it was. the inspector found some 20 odd violations and ordered the A-hole to turn up the heat. we ended up throwing rent in escrow and suing the punk - we settled (won) for reduced rent and getting out of the lease 3 months early. if i can find any pics...
moving on.

Name: Lisa & Becky
Relationship: friends
Duration: 1 year
Address: 4045 excelsior blvd, SLP
this place was a breath of fresh air! sweet lil 3 bedroom duplex right across the street from al's bar. what a smoke pit (al's, not the abode), but OH the fun bar tenders and strong drinks. as for the residents of the abode, this time i went for the i-know-i-like-you-cause-you're-my-friend route over gosh-you're-a-wierdo-i-wish-i-wasn't-living-with-you stuff. this was a super fun year, 'cept becky worked like 84 hours a week and was studying too much. this was also the year between undergrad and grad schools, so with no homework and just working at the loring, i was free to workout lots, shop lots, lounge lots, and, not-surprisingly, play hard and play often.

Name: Brian
Relationship: boyfriend
Duration: 1 year 3 mo
Address: 301 marshall ave #5 St Paul - yes i crossed the river! BUT i learned my lesson and am never (very often) to return.
suppose the reason i traveled the distance was cause brian owned the joint. rent was easy (er nonexistent), too. the place was huge and overly boyish - it needed my touch. we had season tickets for the wild and would make hot bailey's and coffee and walk down the hill to the games, settling into our posh club level seats - very, very nice. i spent Many hours at nina's coffee shop that first year of school - ishta! (to school, not ms nina). not much else to say about this one other than, fun while it lasted, then it ended and i moved out.

Name: ALONE, glorious ALONE
Relationship: me
Duration: 11 mo
Address: 1414 Laurel Curve #221 mlps (laurel village's laurel curve)
so the night before signing the lease i get mugged and - oops - there goes my checkbook for the deposit and the drivers license and SScard necessary to make copies of. what's Worse: phone - all Kindsa digits i have stored nowhere else, digital camera - all Kindsa photos never to see again (ah, just bex's reception & we know how well that turned out :), tix to gomez - replaced, but No cash - felt good about that. AND i got the asshole's tennis shoe.
i really enjoyed coming home to an empty house (and Delivered Grocery's - i love you simon! and pool/hot tub and gym), but sometimes got a little lonely, so when jen had a fun break-up from her live-in boy we decided it was time for round 4.

Name: Jen (again), glorious Jen
Relationship: you know
Duration: 1 year
Address: 1300 Hennepin ave #402 mlps (laurel village's hennepin crossing)
i pulled all my belongings down the street on a cart 1 block, arriving at our lofty 2 bedroom 2 bath apt with a huge deck overlooking 13th and hennepin (spent Much time on that deck). we'd put music on and get ready for nights out with wine in hand, have bunches of people over for preparties, get on the bike paths right by our place and ride over to the lakes, watch tv (plenty of dancing with the stars) and make cheesy tuna helper - was almost like we were dating. ah cute.
after the glow stage :) we got in each others hair a bit much and decided by lease-end to each buy our own condo...

Name: ALONE, glorious ALONE (until the cat)
Relationship: me and kitty
Duration: 15 mo, so far
Address: no, no.
so i was the easiest client ever. real estate buyer client that is. i found the place i bought online and only looked at 5 places one afternoon, then placed the offer 2 days later, then closed. Love my place - cozy old condo with wood floors, brick walls and a new kitchen right there on a busy thourough fare rather right between up&downtown. excellent. this round i've not minded living alone, it's tended to fit me well. i keep ultra busy, so i never feel lonely at all. this could be due to the company of my kitty, who joined me last november and who has grown on me Quite A Bit.


a bar or just bits???

sarah brought up a Great question this past sundayfunday. we had a lengthy conversation and we came up with a decision, but i'd like to hear your thoughts
reese's pieces/peanut butter cups, rolo's, m&m's ... so are they "Candy Bar's" or not ?!?
side note: (this F-ing system! mindy, jb, pete... SOMEbody - help me to figure her out!)

is it or is it not - your vote Counts!
yep - sure is!
naw - i think Not

pollcode.com free polls


Just clownin' (directions in the next blog below)

ride the SLUT - it's for the environment!

start the video above and forward to about 1 min in.

however, THIS one is better...

seriously! how are people so old, prudish, dumb, inane, or oblivious for it to have gotten this far? i'm not complaining - tis good post material ;)


up and coming ... events

the autum brew review?

who's with me here??? seriously - they're offering up over 100 beers for 25 bucks and the grand kicker is that you have 5 hours in which to accomplish this challenging (to some) task! so while your dixie cup sized commemorative tasting glass is just that - dixie cup sized - you WILL get lit. also, there's food vendors & live bands to entertain all out in the fresh crisp fall air. oh my, my - what could be better? (just don't fall down!)

and fyi: the beginning of the fringe festival is coming super soon.


robot dance

just had to share this wit ya's ... wait til you see the 2nd guy go - holy hell!

andy mckee - did he Really make toto sound good? yep.


you'd make a great attorney!

enamored by me, not surprisingly, i was offered some assistance in finding a job. exactly, it was my eyes that caught the HCBANLHH host's attention - "they're like water..."
can i get a wha? thanks.
i retorted with a "is that an asset?" he laughed.
whatever buddy - my eyes are yours if you can hook a girl up.


top ten albums (plus 1)

as of TODAY "what" might you ask "are your favorite albums, bobbi?"
reminder: you asked about My fav albums as of TODAY (reasons for my selections are many and as I. See. Fit.), not the besterests of-all-time, not the greatest of quality, style, and/or tranquility to some crazy music critic, or worse, Your favorites. most of these are more on the side of new-to-me. generally, i have recently seen the band OR will soon OR would like to ;) dmb will always have a special place in my heart, but ... not today dave.
now this is best Albums - love Every song, very album & the parathetical after encompasses my favorite song on the album. i'm what you call a music fan. the definition of which can be found here: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2007/08/28/midmorning2/
we don't let the radio people or our friends decide the 'single' we're gonna be exposed to.
{if you want to ask me and are interested to know, i could compile an All-Time greatest top ten (plus 1) list, too.}
lemme just tell you, this was A. LOT. harder to do than i thought it'd be, with MANY notable unmentions!!! :(
ok. i've Finally created my list, so let me tell you, dammit (...and in no particular order):

the cinematics - a strange ecucation (asleep at the wheel #12) - caitlin! nice bus boys!
cold war kids - robbers and cowards (robbers #7) - that show was kicks, eh jb?
kings of leon - because of the times (arizona #13) - yes andy ... even number 2
the white rabbits - fort nightly (i used to complain now i don't #6) but I still do - have you read my blog?
fiona apple - extraordinary machine (tymps (the sick in the head song) #5) - jen&i must've listened to this at LV 32 thousand times.
spoon - ga ga ga ga ga (finer feelings #9) - birthday event? spoon concert!
the cribs - mens needs womens needs whatever (be safe #10) sadly, this show blew. jeremy seems to think it was their crappy soundman.
robbers on high street - tree city (beneath the trees #3) - accidently ran across this band opening for the redwalls. dammed good thing!
kylie minogue - fever (come into my world #7) - lucas sent me this video like 2 years ago ... awesome.
modest mouse - we were dead before the ship even sank (missed the boat #6, probably but maybe florida #4, however it could be little hotel #10, well then there's education #9, now i can't forget about we've got everything #7, dammit steam engenius #11 is pretty fine too, yep - there are more contenders... - i have failed to narrow this down, but truth be told, i'm not perfect: now go ahead and remove that shocked look from your face) - thanks for the intro and the further leading me to their greatness, andy.
citizen cope - every waking moment (brother lee #5) - the current is responsible for our relationship. gracias current - we're in love!

soooo ... suggestions, comments, complaints, concerns, compliments, condiments, wha's, OR Your lists are all welcome!


where the buffalo roam (and fight the hell back!)

the wild like i've never seen it. crazy mix of lions, buffalo and crocs. who will win? and who will have their asses tossed around?
this clip is a bit over 8 minutes, so when you have time...


gracias andrew for the heads up.


of course it is!

oh boy - i was just reminded of this lil pet peeve & now you shall be notified of it at this late late hour to be at work on a friday (when i still have 1 hour and 20 minutes to go ... sigh).
i am in hate of people that say 'it's always the last place you look' - umm ... yeah! why the hell would i keep looking for it after i've found it?
-peace out on this fine, fine day.


pesky neighbors

so at 2:10 i check the phone to see at what awful hour some folks in the next building decide to have a heart to heart. 2:10.
"don't you think it hurts me to come home after working 13 hours and you run the other way? you should be excited and happy to see me!!!!!" first of all: wha??? shut up! i'm trying to sleep! secondly, with the strength of her scream and imagining the look on her face, buddy, i'da ran, too.
don't they know that this is a classy and sophisticated neighborhood? wait ... rereading my last blog i'll go another direction with my analysis.
classy (and graceful) people make mistakes. all's forgiven. let's move on.


tulip skirt's fault, but i don't mind

you really haven't lived until you've fallen down at the state fair. what a jackass!
i started going down and with normal strides available i would have easily caught myself ... alas, i did not so i could not. did anyone see? most likely many, many did. just stay on the ground and laugh at yourself - that's really all you can do.
drunk? no. drinking? yes.
oh well!