jb ditched last minute (alright he had to work, but as of late his work's been his
lil bitch, so yes i got ditched for the bitch) for the show last night. a replacement could not be found at such short notice, well without
guilting, bribing, or crying involved anyway. there i was sitting on the couch petting the cat watching
tv when i realized something - i Can't turn 30 while sitting on the couch petting the cat watching
tv! i spiffied up and was out the door - it's a rock concert
afterall not a romantic conversational-type talk-to-me atmosphere. i snagged a beer and settled in ("in" being in the way). the 7
th st entry is quaint (there, i did it again
jb - i used the word you use to decide whether to
acquaint with someone (notice the pun?
ahahaha) that's for bitch ditching me ;) so the lacking of space put me in the corner by the
garbages all alone. wait ... promise it gets better. this was only for the opener, who were actually really good,
the virgins from NYC. during the set break i shimmied up to the ledge/half wall thing in the middle of the room for a Great view (thank you small-bladder and gotta-
havea-smoke folk!). this here pic below ...
not my view last night of

white rabbits sound checked Forever, but once they began i remembered why i liked them so much live the first time. Excellent. excellent. the
singerman that dubs as lead guitar looks awfully confused up there on stage, but is plump full of talent. there are 2 two full time drummers and tons of other percussion instruments others pick up on on often
occasion. it was like a full marching band's drummers section
cadence at one point - "awesome" can describe those moments. there's 2 keyboards & the lead singer plays one & he
percussions & he wears a vintage suit & his name is
steve & i talked to him after the show & and he shook my hand & he mentioned i looked familiar, oh and he is cute, too. excellent.
i mostly went to the show for the rabbits, but listened to
tokyo police club on their
myspace page the last couple days so
i'd at least know those songs when played. musically, they are fast and loud. the keyboardist/
tambourine man/general
extras guy was
soooo intense.
soooo intense
i've never seen an arm swing full circle around a shoulder that fast - he even kept in time and tune! anyway, not exactly my thing, but they may grow on me. pic below =
mr intense:

one final note: yep, going to spoon tonight. yep, met mr spoon last night. he didn't recognize me. he didn't care to chat much, either. BUT this could be because i creeped him out - i was Starring at him for the longest time - i Knew i knew him from somewhere right when i first saw him a few feet away during the break between WR & TPC. i was racking my brain for at least 5 minutes... now what shows have i been to lately, no. how about festivals, readings, plays OR restaurants? no. oh, of course ... SNL. that's where i "know" him from. i could see him being barraged by people, so i made my little intro asked 2 questions, then left him to just be.
and that was the night i turned 30. not technically alone and not at all with a cat :)
thanks for the i'm off to bed and can't make it til you're officially 30 call lucas!
and thanks for the 5 seconds into my 3rd decade of life call andy!
and thanks for the i'm still sleeping in the morning cause it's my bday call reid!
where are the damned ladies in my life?!? oh, on myspace ;)