trod on and see!

i like THIS site for the checking!

(and had i posted this before leaving town, i Would have! perhaps there's some memorable something about being the Last to well wish?)
the gal said it herself. in some myspace survey thing. funny and True!
it's so sporadic these days. maybe she just thought it was getting too complicated? maybe she no longer feels that way about me? maybe I'm the one getting too old for her? blerg!
my bed partner of years past, you're welcome back anytime (if the space is free, that is).
it's (was) your day! go get stuff to make you feel pretty. important. anything but ancient! :)
or have someone else do it for you & don't feel bad!
you should see this office. it's pathetic in a red/white/blue streamer, plastic flag on a stick, patriotic t-shirt kind of way. i'm embarrassed... but, Happy Holiday!
the plan: kirsten, dan & i are getting in a vehicle, 1 hour from now and we're zipping on down to chicago :) i believe we are going to ... well, i have NO idea what we're doing. it's been promised that a fabulous agenda has been laid out. -including fun in the summer sun at the beach!
likely the cocktails will flow, as well. dan may be training for a triathalon, but i know i'm not! now, i just need RW&B dealies (i'll get pics) to wear on my head :)
while not the sweetest ways to say "i love you" to dad, they are sure to pull out a giggle!
so, Paul (mi papa!):
-which is a good thing!
I can only wish this had been the case:
these kids opened for rilo kiley at first ave last thurs. the ultimate entertainment! they rival the hives lunacy, actually. whatever they were on ... i want some!
one way to get a blind date is to go out to the bars after drinking ... drinking plenty. pick the hottest man out of the crowd, then go over to him and suavely chat him up for a while. by bar time he'll definitely be wanting more. you will exchange numbers. you will leave the bar, go home with friends, order pizza, drink a little more and pass out on the couch with a wine glass in hand. the next day you'll brush off the crust flakes, get a text and be like: who this? a trail of spotty memories will seep back into your head. you will call your friends and together you will piece together the majority of the evening, at least the high(low?)lights. wholla! super cute agenda for the evening.
although this suggestion is not without flaws and is laced with good odds of several potential disasters, good stories will flow and i like that!
i'm actually going here for a friend's wedding. shadia and i were roommates nearly 10 years ago, my first year down in minneapolis, my first year at the UofMN. while she's been in chi town for 7 or so years, we've kept in touch and i really wanted to make this trip happen. these types of resorts are 1. romantic, 2. expensive, 3. lonely, iffin you have no one to travel with. why am i going??? how am i going???
i'm so maternal and love children so much, so i'm part-time nannying two&a half year old twins!!!
i know, i know! you're thinking, those poor children - they won't survive a day, much less a week... well, let's hope this comes not to that. we fly in tomorrow and my duties are limited to helping out on the plane (which is Great cause i NEED distractions while in the air, as we all know, i'm terrified!), then i'm free for the evening. i get the lil rascals friday night (and 3 other nights of 7) for all of 3 conscious evening hours while maNpa do dinnerNsuch. the wedding is sat and i get to help out during the ceremony, since ma is in the wedding as sister of bride, then i'm free. 1 daytime round-them-up-and-don't-kill-them session will occur midweek. ...das it.
oh yeah, and (breaking all sorts of guinness world records) there will be nearly 100 in attendance for this crazy, unprecedented (size-wise) destination wedding. grandma will be hovering, aunts and friends will be doting, i will be surrounded by various assistants. that reminds me (as if it hadn't crossed my mind) F the cabana boy - groom jeremy has a ton of friends going... where was i going with this before daydreaming sidetracked me? ummmm i got it - all that said, breaking this down by the hour, i think i'm clearly a winner!
shall report on the week after it goes down :)
too many things happen that can't go without comment. here it is:
too many things happen that can't go without comment. here it is: