(and had i posted this before leaving town, i Would have! perhaps there's some memorable something about being the Last to well wish?)
the gal said it herself. in some myspace survey thing. funny and True!

it's so sporadic these days. maybe she just thought it was getting too complicated? maybe she no longer feels that way about me? maybe I'm the one getting too old for her? blerg!
my bed partner of years past, you're welcome back anytime (if the space is free, that is).
it's (was) your day! go get stuff to make you feel pretty. important. anything but ancient! :)
or have someone else do it for you & don't feel bad!
Girl has a b-day the day before mine? Knew there was something I liked about her...
So, what's this business of being elated about? Is it the same as hung-over?
I've tried commenting on this post two times before... third the charm?
and it was witty before, but guess it boils down to:
thanks & xoxo !!!!
when are we going to hear about your trip? :)
c: there's Lots of things to like about her! the elated part? -you were there :)
C: wit Woulda been nice. regardless, xoxo BACK!
R: i really need to get internet at home. in order to get on that... :(
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