ok so the morning of our last day, our day-trip day brought with it a temper temper-tantrum thingy. RIGHTLY so cait! mi ladie called to confirm that the vehicle'd be ready for us in the am (the later am as she called at 2 am), but the f-ers had us booked for the same day of the month only in sept. yes we're calling at 2 to be sure our car will be ready 1 month and 7 hours from now. yes. idiots. (avoid payless rental!)
so a bit behind schedule we got into our shitty small suv Suzuki or something, whose tranny sounded like it might actually bottom out and we'd leave it behind, whose cd player refused to play after 3 hours of a 10 hour car trip - biatch, and began our journey, our adventure, our gc viewing. no directions, huh? caitlin, pretty sure that was your gig - whatevs - Francis will Help! nope. he will not find the number online to "contact us" us being the rangers, a recording, someone who'll navigate us there. his act of "help" was to text two cranky and hungover (at least i was ... or was that just still drunkness being aggravated? i can't tell) gals excited to be heading to the treacherous, highly adventurous, and secluded north rim that "cooper said n rim = pain in ass & 2 Extra hours driving compared to s rim." not exactly the kind of information that we called for! he called back with directions, which we got on our own from a ranger who was telling us the same damned thing, and we thought for his safety we wouldn't answer. perhaps that's why it was so quite at the nort-siiiiide - everyone is wrongly told it's a pain in the kisser.
side note: why's it called "the kisser" ??? oh, and WE LOVES YOU FRANCIS! just not at that moment we didn't. we didn't love anyone. caitlin especially didn't love me after this: she went into a travel place to get a map while i spoke to the ranger - when my conversation with derrick downer was over i noticed the keys in the ignition and just had to do it. i go inside and say "you took the keys, didn't you?" the look on the poor girls face ... made it soooo worth it ;)
ok we're back. a jack in the box lunch later we both felt quite a bit better, yet fatter. the scenery only continued to get prettier and ruggeder as we traveled. we decided to go through zion national park and drove through a mountain and everything! did i mention i'm afraid of heights? so here's where there's a clash - i like the scenery and would love love love to enjoy it but the edges of the road were oh so dangerously close. putting blinders on to miss the nearness of a potential plunge to ours deaths inhibits the scenic view just above that darned bottomless portal below. what's a girl to do?
ok so we Finally get there and bobbi's a lil nervous, cause no joke, this hole is big. we went out to bright angel point - caitlin skipped (in flip flops), while i slowly side stepped. i wasn't expecting to be so ill and scared, nevertheless there it was. we made it to the tip where there's a nice 270 degree view - Very beautiful! only problem - it made me icky inside and the car ride back was less than awesome. yeah the one without music. we sang.
how could I?!? i almost forgot the moon - caitlin happened to look over her shoulder when driving and directly behind us just coming up off the horizon was non-other than the moon in all her glowing glory. it was the size of ... well, the moon, but it Looked HUGE! later too once it was high in the sky we couldn't help but notice how voluminously illuminatory it was - it was neon white, like those annoying headlights that a few annoying folks have - ya know, the neon white ones. was it the desert clean air? was it the latitude we're not used to? i not sure, but look!
yes, i throw a good temper tantrum in the morning. or noon. or really, whenever.
morn. noon. AND night!
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