what a joy! the breeze on your face. the weightlessness at the top. your stomach tickling your throat. the thump of your heinie smacking the seat when you've swung above the bar. the tensing of your biceps you haven't used in this manner since elementary school. the bruises resulting from ... i don't know, but we both have em! very well worth every ache and pain.

sunday funday brought us out of the venues and into the park last week, cause it was (for november & we take what we can get) hot out. ok, in the 50's, BUT sunny. we started on bocci (jen doesn't know what bocci is! ha!) and when its luster wore a few of us (not me) sauntered on over to (embarrassingly) join an in progress b-ball game. "we" were not good. how to distance myself from this situation? look around. see swings at the other end of the block. who's in???

we WILL be doing this again ... and soon. but, must find higher sets :)
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