i often don't care if i make it to the opener, but this time be different. i do plan on watching from afar, however. maybe with a chaperone? cause if they catch ahold of me - it's over. scary singer much?
the song is so hot dirty, though! racey. spicy. whoa - is it warm in here?
louis xiv they are. finding out true love is blind is their game.
fineline. do it.
dirty dirty! just the way i like it (tonight's entertainment - some of it)
yeah - it's Finally happened ... i'm in love!!!
so, well, maybe the feeling's not mutual, but i'll work on that. details. the vid shant win even one award, but the song is great Great. if you want to join the fan club with me, come along - i'm on my way!
ch ch check out his music on myspace
empty messages: part, the two
thanks for thinking of me! (again)
BUT, if there wasn't a question or statement worth comment offered up in your text to me, you'll likely get a response containing a lot of nothing. i've gotten a few of them lately, and i'm just like, even if i wanted to, how do i respond to that? but since i'm like, i don't want to respond to that, i don't. something bland to do with how cold they are OR there's no bread in the house OR they rented a bad movie. sooooo? and??? boring!
another favorite? the "happy holidays!" text. while i appreciate it and thank you for thinking of me on such a special day, when you get 32 of them in one afternoon it starts to become quite overwhelming to think of returning em all. so i don't, i won't. if you feel the need to continue to send these sorts of messages, just know this ... i thank you tons & i love you lots & Ditto (whatever the greeting)!!!

i'm just the sort that likes information to be shared in these communications, whether it be just a humorous bit OR waaay vital news/direction/gossip. if you think they're good, keep em coming!
BUT, if there wasn't a question or statement worth comment offered up in your text to me, you'll likely get a response containing a lot of nothing. i've gotten a few of them lately, and i'm just like, even if i wanted to, how do i respond to that? but since i'm like, i don't want to respond to that, i don't. something bland to do with how cold they are OR there's no bread in the house OR they rented a bad movie. sooooo? and??? boring!
another favorite? the "happy holidays!" text. while i appreciate it and thank you for thinking of me on such a special day, when you get 32 of them in one afternoon it starts to become quite overwhelming to think of returning em all. so i don't, i won't. if you feel the need to continue to send these sorts of messages, just know this ... i thank you tons & i love you lots & Ditto (whatever the greeting)!!!

i'm just the sort that likes information to be shared in these communications, whether it be just a humorous bit OR waaay vital news/direction/gossip. if you think they're good, keep em coming!
no. I'M dangerous.
there a few things that i do that might freak you all out. no, not in a creepy way, well, maybe there are some things that would freak you out in a creepy way, but we're not going that direction today. -future blog topic, noted.
anyway, these actions i take will freak you out in a how-does-she-even-dare-do-that-crazy-shit??? kinda way. i know i'm not the only one with these sorta unknown, not quite secret shockers - jb has announced his wild side on not one, but two occasions. watch out - he's a crazy mother F-er!!!

- i wear my (supposed to be) weekly disposable contacts for waaaaaaay longer. i have yet to feel any sort of repercussion, disease or crusties, so i will continue.
- i've been driving with a nail in my tire for many, many months now. i go like 80. with passengers. without all the possible percents of attention. jammin. you've been warned.
- i take a thinning sheers to my own hair. with no training on the subject matter.
- sometimes when i know i'm dangerously close to running out of the greatly necessary home supply of toilet tissue, i steal a roll from the lady's potty at work on my way out. likely near grand-theft-paper by now - totally a legal term.
- i feed my cat Roundy's brand cat food! ya know, that generic stuff from rainbow that's like 4% the price of anything that's probably the bare minimum necessary for proper bone growth and nutrient absorption and overall health. i know what you're thinking ... "ahhhhhhh! you serious about that or that some lunatic 'joke' that's not near funny. i'm sooo calling the human society! F that, i'm calling the cops! maybe the mob should hear about this, you monster! you deserve every suffering you get!!!" But, before you do that, just know - damn her poo don't stink & she's uber soft, so...
- i ride the bus
- i ride the #18 bus
- i waiting for the bus in negative degrees with caitlin 2 nights ago. granted, this dangerous act's boldness was tempered by the super-power, alcohol. wasn't so cold.
- i bought, and USED! the epilady. i knew it was a near certain death adventure, but i forged the experience like i was brave. oh. my. gawd. that hurt. mistake, but definitely made me stronger ... and even more dangerous.
keep your guard up. i'm out there.
why blog? well, hell ... why not!?!
i was asked recently "How do you find blog writing? Fulfilling? No stalker fears?"

and i say:
well, i haven't posted my addy and there is nothing on there all too personal. i bet some face recognition software would bring up my criminal records as a registered sex offender, so my zip will narrow any stalkers field of range for finding me, but at the same time it will hopefully dissuade them from further pursuit.
gratifying? it can be, but i just mostly find it to be kinda fun. :P
i don't expect to be a blog star with 72 comments under each post by any means, but i think once in a while i entertain my friends, er fans. i know this cause i'm entertained by theirs. thanks kids!
PS: i know i haven't posted in forever (over a frickin week!), but i've got like 7 drafts on good shit sure to be loved. build anticipation & the want for the climax, ya know. hold please...

and i say:
well, i haven't posted my addy and there is nothing on there all too personal. i bet some face recognition software would bring up my criminal records as a registered sex offender, so my zip will narrow any stalkers field of range for finding me, but at the same time it will hopefully dissuade them from further pursuit.
gratifying? it can be, but i just mostly find it to be kinda fun. :P
fun? -cause i entertain my peeps some and vent a little and share funny stuff that should be seen by the world, and i'm making a sort of journal i can look back at later and laugh at myself.
i don't expect to be a blog star with 72 comments under each post by any means, but i think once in a while i entertain my friends, er fans. i know this cause i'm entertained by theirs. thanks kids!
PS: i know i haven't posted in forever (over a frickin week!), but i've got like 7 drafts on good shit sure to be loved. build anticipation & the want for the climax, ya know. hold please...
the other night's entertainment
have to repost as the video below is no longer available, but they are sorry for an inconvenience.
update: the maked-up man in red was not at the show :(
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