there a few things that i do that might freak you all out. no, not in a creepy way, well, maybe there are some things that would freak you out in a creepy way, but we're not going that direction today. -future blog topic, noted.
anyway, these actions i take will freak you out in a how-does-she-even-dare-do-that-crazy-shit??? kinda way. i know i'm not the only one with these sorta unknown, not quite secret shockers - jb has announced his wild side on not one, but two occasions. watch out - he's a crazy mother F-er!!!

- i wear my (supposed to be) weekly disposable contacts for waaaaaaay longer. i have yet to feel any sort of repercussion, disease or crusties, so i will continue.
- i've been driving with a nail in my tire for many, many months now. i go like 80. with passengers. without all the possible percents of attention. jammin. you've been warned.
- i take a thinning sheers to my own hair. with no training on the subject matter.
- sometimes when i know i'm dangerously close to running out of the greatly necessary home supply of toilet tissue, i steal a roll from the lady's potty at work on my way out. likely near grand-theft-paper by now - totally a legal term.
- i feed my cat Roundy's brand cat food! ya know, that generic stuff from rainbow that's like 4% the price of anything that's probably the bare minimum necessary for proper bone growth and nutrient absorption and overall health. i know what you're thinking ... "ahhhhhhh! you serious about that or that some lunatic 'joke' that's not near funny. i'm sooo calling the human society! F that, i'm calling the cops! maybe the mob should hear about this, you monster! you deserve every suffering you get!!!" But, before you do that, just know - damn her poo don't stink & she's uber soft, so...
- i ride the bus
- i ride the #18 bus
- i waiting for the bus in negative degrees with caitlin 2 nights ago. granted, this dangerous act's boldness was tempered by the super-power, alcohol. wasn't so cold.
- i bought, and USED! the epilady. i knew it was a near certain death adventure, but i forged the experience like i was brave. oh. my. gawd. that hurt. mistake, but definitely made me stronger ... and even more dangerous.
keep your guard up. i'm out there.
i love the thinning shears, too! (yes i barely have any hair, but god they're a cool tool).
...every time i get my hair cut i ask if i can buy them from the chick who is cutting my hair, but she keeps warning me i'd be bald by the next morning if she let me have them.
#18 makes the world go round, and uh, helps us all go greener, per se.
ReAnn: yep, had to venture out to the mall to buy the shears, cause my hair person would have nothing to do with such crazed acts. she was sad to hear i was thinking about doing it, but i have 82 million hairs on my head, so no harm can really come of it, i'm thinking :)
I regularly quote the Dude and Han Solo in business meetings involving more money than my house is worth.
Matt: your house is either worth a couple shillings OR you should no longer be employed, cause that's despicable! har har.
"Yeah, but this time I've got the money."
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