
bobbiloblawslawblog ???

firstly, if you not seen arrested development ... do.
moving on: perhaps this name isn't all that creative since i just added a 'bi'to the already existing lil nugget of ingenuity, but i think it's just That good and hence very able to pull me along, too.
also, it fits cause 1. i am a lawyer, 2. my name is bobbi, and 3. i like arrested development a LOT. but don't worry - i most likely won't blog much about the law so as to not bore you. this will be much more on the completely pointless side of things.


m said...

Nice meeting you last night!

PS. You need to put your blog's title at the top of the page here, sister!

CaitlinMElliott said...

i like the completely pointless side of things.

Anonymous said...

I have never watched an episode of Arrested Development... You must introduce me. It's a date!