Cheers to all my cocktailing friends - each and every one :)
this chuckle is for yous...
oh, sucky... thank goodness for da busses!

ho ho ho. we pasty-skinned europeans paaaartay SOO hard, it's crazy - irish er not.
hope to see some of you out on the field. i'll be the one with clover antenna. totally standing out, i'm sure.
i keep laughing when i think of them. i like the undetected alcoholism one the best.
I promise to be in prime fashion. I also promise to restrict any and all eyeball wandering until post Bobbi meet-up/hug/kiss, at that point I ask in advance forgiveness for any of my shortcomings that evening.... teeheehee (batting eyelids ever so innocently).
Hey, no need to ask forgiveness for a girl on girl kiss, no matter what fashion one or both parties happen to be in!
Anyways, the comics are great, and it's even funnier to think that in Ireland they actually go to church and hang out with there families and don't get wasted on the big day (according to numerous published sources and confirmed in Chicago by two dudes from Dublin) but Americans of all backgrounds do.
I'd say top of the morning to ya', but if you've ever partied with Kelly you know that there is nothing top about the next morning.
ha. and this year we got to celebrate two of them. the catholic church (and so god) wants us to drink!!!
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