i LOVED it! this will for sure be the last time they'll play in such a small venue, so thankfully sammer got caitlin and i in! gracias, sir :)
simple background - they don't think they need any other theatrics. they don't.

they start with matching black and white suits. it's their thing. it works for them. and me. being it was nearly 1000 degrees in there, though, they've stipped down some.

example of how Pelle's feet were so much more often not on the floor than they were. he climbed out over the speakers entering the stage for the encore. lunatic. in a good way!

here's the tick tick boom video for ya, too.
Hey, remember that one time, just now, where I read this post and hated your face because you got to go and I didn't? That was awesome.
On a sidenote..."never play such a small venue again"? They've been around for over ten years and produced four albums. I'm predicting their fan base will steadily decrease to the point where they'll be lucky to book the linen closet in my bathroom by 2012. Just sayin'.
i remember Lots of those times. you should do that less. get your louis xiv tixs soon. i picked up 6 and they've all been claimed. don't want to just have to look at the pics from That one!
& now that I know about the hives, they'll get HUGE. and for the amount of time that you work and don't play, your linen closet will also be HUGE by 2012, i'm betting
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