waiting for the bus is an excellent place where you'll get the chance to hear people saying and thinking "it certainly takes all types in this world!" you can hear this just by looking at their faces - looks of shock, expressions of disgust, feelings of concern, questions in their eyes.
one morning a couple weeks ago i saw This (minus the bat, thank gawd):
really? then it talked. he wanted to engage in dialog, wondering if i'd seen the #17 go by. well, buddy i'd certainly considered running the other way as soon as i saw you, with the assumption that this situation cannot be safe (no way!), because, obviously, he either has a weapon of sorts & there's a plan to kill me OR he really wants to show me something he has in his pants. whatever the situation, i'm certain it was not an appropriate time for conversation.
what was he thinking? i'm just gonna wander into the world looking super creepy just to see the reactions of the street's normals - it'll be way funny? ...playing it cool, i gave him nothing to report.
so back to my original statement ... it does not "take all types." it is often said, but i disagree. think about it. i coulda done without dude that morning. the world would get on just fine without him.
the world would turn without this fool (perfect example of why we don't take candy from strangers!):

this fella could use some grooming:

now now mizz BD, he knows that he was once a slave to satan and has repented! As for the rest o' the phreek parade, maybe they bring some light into someone elses life?
I often wonder about population curves and the inevitable result. It's fine to have freak-shows when there's enough space, but when you run out of space, they start to grate a little. People are tribal, and we don't like yahoos from other tribes in our tribes.
That's a funny post!
aaron: i acknowledged this point! while they may bring light, entertainment, something to talk about OR horror to persons lives, i'm just saying it don't "take all types!"
matt: just think when they spill into the burbs! government entities will become involved as the prudes out in the sticks won't stand for it. for now, us city folk, will just do our double takes, then let it go.
we wouldn't be us without them, now.
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